Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Treasure Hunts & Web Quests

Well today it was staff development in creating Treasure Hunts & Web Quests. Nothing technically difficult, especially for us computing bods, but good ideas and templates to help us on our way. Of course, the key thing was the time to play around with them and find new resources to use with them.

Treasure Hunts being an excellent tool to guide your students through a maze of sites, gathering information along the way. The addition of a list of resources (links to the sites used in the Treasure Hunt) making it easy to check they are all still active and valid. Could see some real uses for this, especially at NC and Non-Voc level. I also like the idea of getting the students to create these as a formative assessment method, which we could then use as a resource in future years.

Web Quests again an excellent tool to get the students working in teams and by using something like blogging or wikis, collaborating online. This one has real potential for use with project work, team work and graded units. I think this could be a really good one for ITAS 1, which would make it very innovative and fun. Again, why not get the students to create some as a means of formative assessment.

In addition we were given some pointers to other resources to use.

Favourites From Anywhere at -
Digital Photo & Media Sharing at Flickr -
Free Digital Media at MorgueFile -

Happy browsing!!

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